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Psych Case Study Paper - 1143 Words

Megan S Case Study Paper October 21, 2013 Sheldon Cooper is a character in the fictional television show, â€Å"The Big Bang Theory†. Sheldon is extremely knowledgeable and brilliant in the things he knows and is passionate about, but everything else that doesn’t interest him, he completely ignores. Sheldon is a theoretical physicist at Caltech, having earned his B.S., M.S., M.A., Ph.D., and Sc.D. He lives with his roommate and Caltech colleague, Leonard Hofstadter, an experimental physicist. Having lived together for 10 years, the two have become best friends. Leonard often times feels obligated to explain Sheldons behavior and serve as a mediator between him and the people he is interacting with. The two are usually hanging out with†¦show more content†¦Penny started to cry when she wasn’t understanding anything. When Sheldon asks her why she is crying, she responds, â€Å"Because I’m stupid!† to which Sheldon responds, â€Å"Thats no reason to cry. One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad.† Another example comes from Sheldon feeling like he is deserving of a Nobel Peace Prize. He is having a conversation with a former Peace Prize winner, Dr. Smoot, and says, â€Å"You won the Nobel prize, what, three years ago? So you must deal with a whole lot of what has Smoot done lately? My thought is we continue my research as team, you know, Cooper-Smoot, alphabetical.. When we win the Nobel Prize, youll be back on top.† Dr. Smoot replies saying, â€Å"With all due respect, Dr. Cooper, are you on crack?† to which Sheldon responds, â€Å"Fine, Smoot-Cooper, what a diva!† Sheldon doesn’t think that what is saying is offensive in anyway, because he is too consumed in himself. Another disorder I would diagnose Sheldon with is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, or OCD. People with OCD have the need for everything to be perfect and having to be in control of everything. Someone with OCD also does well with lists and schedules and does not like to stray from them. These characteristics both apply to Sheldon. One thing Sheldon does, that is often seen as comical, is having a roommate agreement with Leonard. It is essentially a contract that states the protocol for everyShow MoreRelatedAn Examination Of Paranoid Personality Disorder862 Words   |  4 Pagesovertly arrogant, mistrustful, suspicious of others, driven, industrious, and even successful in solitary careers, unromantic, typically high-minded and severely observant towards the external environment (Akhtar, 1990). 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